

Hi I'm Kenny Hoang.

I'm the founder of Emblem, a DTC Marketing Agency that's a growth partner for DTC brands ($1M-$20M revenue). We help brands grow through social media ads tied to the Profit & Loss. I’ve had the privilege of leading & executing digital strategies that have generated over $150M in revenue for brand partners I align with. Checkout my body of work here.

I write to chronicle my journey and learnings. This includes agency life,  longevity, investing, living a good life, marketing, psychology.

Contact Kenny
Ways I Can Support

My goal is to share the institutional knowledge I’ve implemented for clients but also share what I continue to learn along the way. Whether that’s serving you by helping your CMO, in-house marketing team or agency get added insights.

Looking for marketing strategy & direct execution? Get on the waiting list at Emblem.
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general [at] emblem.cc